Coverage for gpc/helpers/ 55%
149 statements
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1# Standard Library
2import re
4from typing import Iterator
5from typing import Optional
6from typing import Union # pylint: disable=unused-import
8# Third Party Libraries
9import boltons.cacheutils
10import gitlab.const
12from boltons.urlutils import URL
13from boltons.urlutils import parse_url
14from gitlab import Gitlab # pylint: disable=unused-import
15from gitlab.exceptions import GitlabGetError
16from gitlab.v4.objects import Group as GitlabGroup
17from gitlab.v4.objects import GroupProject as GitlabGroupProject
18from gitlab.v4.objects import Project as GitlabProject
19from wcmatch.fnmatch import fnmatch
21# Gitlab-Project-Configurator Modules
22from gpc.helpers.exceptions import GpcUserError
23from gpc.helpers.types import ProjectName
24from gpc.helpers.types import Url
27cache_users = boltons.cacheutils.LRI(10000)
28cache_users_id = boltons.cacheutils.LRI(10000)
29cache_groups = boltons.cacheutils.LRI(10000)
30cache_subgroups = boltons.cacheutils.LRI(10000)
31cache_allgroups = boltons.cacheutils.LRI(10000)
33VISIBILITY_VALUES = ["internal", "private", "public"]
34MERGE_METHODS = ["merge", "rebase_merge", "ff"]
36 "do not allow": "never",
37 "allow": "default_off",
38 "encourage": "default_on",
39 "require": "always",
42 "never": "do not allow",
43 "default_off": "allow",
44 "default_on": "encourage",
45 "always": "require",
49 "no one": 0,
50 "none": 0,
51 "maintainers": gitlab.const.MAINTAINER_ACCESS,
52 "guests": gitlab.const.GUEST_ACCESS,
53 "reporters": gitlab.const.REPORTER_ACCESS,
54 "owners": gitlab.const.OWNER_ACCESS,
55 "developers": gitlab.const.DEVELOPER_ACCESS,
56 "admins": 60,
60 0: "no one",
61 gitlab.const.MAINTAINER_ACCESS: "maintainers",
62 gitlab.const.GUEST_ACCESS: "guests",
63 gitlab.const.REPORTER_ACCESS: "reporters",
64 gitlab.const.OWNER_ACCESS: "owners",
65 gitlab.const.DEVELOPER_ACCESS: "developers",
66 60: "admins",
71def get_user_by_username(gl: Gitlab, username):
72 # In some cases Name and Username are different
73 # jhon.smith may have jhon.slith1 as username,
74 # we may use gl.users.list(search=...) in this case
75 users = gl.users.list(username=username, retry_transient_errors=True) or gl.users.list(
76 search=username, retry_transient_errors=True
77 )
78 if users: 78 ↛ 82line 78 didn't jump to line 82 because the condition on line 78 was always true
79 # The username is an unique field
80 return users[0] # type: ignore
82 raise GpcUserError(f"User {username} does not exist")
86def get_user_by_id(gl: Gitlab, user_id):
87 return gl.users.get(user_id, retry_transient_errors=True)
91def get_group(gl: Gitlab, group_path):
92 return gl.groups.get(group_path, retry_transient_errors=True)
96def _get_subgroups(gl: Gitlab, group_path):
97 group = get_group(gl, group_path)
98 subgroups = []
99 if group.shared_with_groups:
100 subgroups = [x.get("group_full_path") for x in group.shared_with_groups]
101 return subgroups
105def get_subgroups(gl: Gitlab, group_path):
106 all_groups = []
107 subgroups = _get_subgroups(gl, group_path)
108 if not subgroups:
109 return []
110 all_groups.extend(subgroups)
111 for subgroup in subgroups:
112 all_groups.extend(_get_subgroups(gl, subgroup))
113 return all_groups
116def clean_gitlab_project_name(project_name_or_url: Union[ProjectName, Url]) -> ProjectName:
117 if project_name_or_url.startswith("https://"):
118 o = parse_url(project_name_or_url)
119 project_name = o["path"]
120 else:
121 project_name = project_name_or_url
122 project_name = project_name.strip("/").lower()
123 if project_name.endswith(".git"):
124 project_name = project_name[:-4]
125 return project_name
128def is_archived_project(gl: Gitlab, project_path):
129 gl_project = gl.projects.get(project_path)
130 return gl_project.archived
133def is_shared_project(project, group):
134 return group.full_path in (sg["group_full_path"] for sg in project.shared_with_groups)
137def is_existing_project(gl: Gitlab, project_path):
138 try:
139 gl.projects.get(project_path)
140 return True
141 except GitlabGetError:
142 return False
145def is_existing_group(gl: Gitlab, group_path):
146 try:
147 gl.groups.get(group_path)
148 return True
149 except GitlabGetError:
150 return False
153def is_bot_user_for_project_member(name):
154 """
155 Check if a member name has the format: project_{project_id}_bot_{random_string}
157 Parameters:
158 name (str): The member name to check.
160 Returns:
161 bool: True if the name matches the pattern, False otherwise.
162 """
163 # See format here
164 #
165 pattern = r"^project_\d+_bot_[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
166 return bool(re.match(pattern, name))
169def remove_creds_in_url(url: str) -> str:
170 """Remove the credential section of a URL."""
171 uurl = URL(url)
172 uurl.username = None
173 uurl.password = None
174 return uurl.to_text()
177def url_path_relative_to(url: str, url_base: str) -> str:
178 """Return the path of a URL relative to another one.
180 It automatically ignores user credentials in the urls, and also abstract the
181 schemes (http/https).
183 Arguments:
184 url: the candidate URL to compute the relative path from
185 url_base: base URL (with a path section if wanted) to compute against.
187 Returns:
188 The relative path of the candiate URL (so without any leading '/')
189 if the base url belong to the candidate URL.
190 If both URL are on different host, it will return the untouched candidate URL.
191 """
192 orig_url = url
193 url = remove_creds_in_url(url)
194 url_base = remove_creds_in_url(url_base)
195 url = url.replace("https://", "http://").strip("/")
196 url_base = url_base.replace("https://", "http://").strip("/")
197 if not url.startswith(url_base):
198 return orig_url
199 return url[len(url_base) :].strip("/")
202def maybe_get_project(
203 gl: Gitlab,
204 path: str,
205 lazy=False,
206) -> Optional[GitlabProject]:
207 """
208 Retrieve a project by its name or id or return None without failing.
209 """
210 try:
211 return gl.projects.get(
212 id=path,
213 lazy=lazy,
214 )
215 except GitlabGetError:
216 pass
217 return None
220def maybe_get_group(
221 gl: Gitlab,
222 path: str,
223 lazy=False,
224) -> Optional[GitlabGroup]:
225 """
226 Retrieve a group by its name or id or return None without failing.
227 """
228 try:
229 return gl.groups.get(
230 id=path,
231 lazy=lazy,
232 )
233 except GitlabGetError:
234 pass
235 return None
238def walk_gitlab_projects(
239 gl: Gitlab,
240 full_path: str,
241) -> Iterator[GitlabProject]:
243 base_path = URL(full_path).path.strip("/")
244 before_globbing, _, pattern_match = base_path.partition("*")
245 pattern_match = "*" + pattern_match
247 fixed_base, _, project_or_group_chunk = before_globbing.rpartition("/")
248 if not fixed_base:
249 raise ValueError("Cannot search from root with globbing, you need at minimum a group !")
250 if project_or_group_chunk:
251 pattern_match = project_or_group_chunk + pattern_match
253 yield from _walk_gitlab_projects(
254 gl=gl,
255 fixed_base=fixed_base,
256 pattern_match=pattern_match,
257 base_path=fixed_base,
258 )
261def _walk_gitlab_projects(
262 gl: Gitlab,
263 fixed_base: str,
264 pattern_match: str,
265 base_path: str,
266) -> Iterator[GitlabProject]:
267 base_path = base_path.strip()
268 project = maybe_get_project(gl, fixed_base, lazy=False)
269 if project:
270 yield project.path_with_namespace
271 return
273 group_base = maybe_get_group(gl, fixed_base, lazy=False)
274 if not group_base:
275 raise ValueError(f"Find base group: {fixed_base}")
277 project_candidate: "GitlabGroupProject"
278 for project_candidate in group_base.projects.list( # type: ignore
279 all=True,
280 as_list=False,
281 lazy=False,
282 ):
283 if pattern_match:
284 project_path_rel_to_base_path = url_path_relative_to(
285 project_candidate.path_with_namespace,
286 base_path,
287 )
288 if not fnmatch(project_path_rel_to_base_path, pattern_match):
289 continue
290 # The shared projects of a group are excluded
291 if is_shared_project(project_candidate, group_base):
292 continue
293 if project_candidate.archived:
294 continue
296 gitlab_project_path = project_candidate.path_with_namespace
297 if gitlab_project_path:
298 yield gitlab_project_path
300 for subgrp in group_base.subgroups.list(all=True, lazy=True, as_list=False):
301 if pattern_match:
302 subgroup_path_rel_to_base_path = url_path_relative_to(
303 subgrp.full_path,
304 base_path,
305 )
306 if not fnmatch(subgroup_path_rel_to_base_path, pattern_match.partition("/")[0]):
307 continue
308 yield from _walk_gitlab_projects(
309 gl=gl,
310 fixed_base=subgrp.full_path,
311 pattern_match=pattern_match,
312 base_path=base_path,
313 )